Sound Insulation Testing
Part E - Compliance
We deliver efficient certified, sound insulation testing for pre and post completion to meet all your Part E Building Regulations compliance requirements.
Weather it be a small project of two plots, or large scale development residential and student blocks we offer the same comprehensive service including fully certified reports and remedial advice from our team of skilled and accredited noise engineers where necessary to ensure success is achieved.
How do Part E building regulations affect my project ?
If your project consists of any party walls or floors for example in terraced houses or a block of flats then you most likely require sound insulation testing to prove conformance with the insulation requirements for partitions outlined within Part E.
There are four four categories as follows to which different requirements are applied.
- Purpose built dwellings, houses & flats
- Purpose built rooms for residential purposes i.e. student accommodation or HMO.
- Dwellings, houses & flats formed by change of use i.e. conversion old factory building to residential
- Rooms for residential purposes formed by change of use i.e. conversion old factory building to student accommodation or HMO.
Do I have to test everything ?
No, usually building control will stipulate the requirements or follow the guidance from the acoustician involved with the project. This usually works on a 10% test basis, however varying constructions must be grouped together and 10% of that group should be tested not necessarily 10% of the project as a whole. This is where BREW Compliance can provide a tailored testing regime based on your construction drawings to ensure you achieve compliance with a pro-active approach throughout.
What are robust details ?
If registered on the scheme the craftsmanship of relevant party element constructions will be assessed throughout various stages of their construction to ensure the details are being followed correctly. Although random on-completion testing does still occur there is usually no need for physical sound insulation testing. Robust details however are widely available detailing various constructions for party walls and floors of different makeups and are good practice to adopt even if not registered. If followed correctly these constructions should achieve above and beyond requirements outlined in Part E 2003 building regulations (incorporating 2004, 2010, 2013 & 2015 amendments).
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call on 07943063981 or email us at info@brewcompliance.co.uk